Try Before You Buy

Try Before you Buy

How does the Try Before You Buy program work? 

  • Click Try at Home Before Buying 
    • We’ll validate your credit card through an authorization. Best rest assured we will  only charge your card if you decide to keep the item(s).
  • Try the item(s) for ​7 days.
    • Try the item in the comfort of your own home. Please make sure not to take off any tags or cause anything to happen to the item that might prevent sending it back to us.
  • Pay if you love your item(s)
    • We will charge your credit card for the items that you decide to keep.   

When does the ​7-day​ period begin? 

We track when the package was delivered to your house, which starts the ​7-day​period.

How long do I have to return my Try Before Buying items?

You have until the end of the ​7-day period to postmark returns. You can see the full return policy here.

How do you know not to charge my card for the items I’m returning?

When you initiate a return, we know which items you plan on returning and know to expect these items at our warehouse. We provide ample time for your returned items to arrive at our warehouse, where we inspect the items and process your returns. 

What if I decided to keep the items but then want to initiate a return?

No problem! We have a 45 day return policy, so your order would be treated like a normal purchase and exchanged or refunded as appropriate.

How do I return an item?

Check out our return policy!

Do you charge my card when you place the order?

We'll validate your card through an authorization for the full amount of the order. You'll see a  pending charge on your statement, but rest assured that's not a charge. We'll only charge your  card for the items you decide to keep.

What payment methods do you accept for Try Before You Buy purchases? 

We only accept credit cards at this time.

How many items can I try before I buy?

You may try up to 4 items at any given time.