Twisted Sisters: Standing Behind the Alpha Phi Ladies of Alabama

Earlier this week the Alpha Phi sorority at the University of Alabama made national headlines, getting the nation's collective panties and boxers in a bunch. What odious scandal had plagued the sisters? They had dared to make a recruitment video showing them looking pretty, charming, and having an all-around good time sharing the bonds of sisterhood.

Within a few days the video had been seen some three-quarters of a million times on YouTube, which is enough of a critical mass for a backlash. The sisters were tried in the court of public opinion, with happy frolicking Southern Belles deemed unacceptable and offensive to our national sensibilities. Alpha Phi was criticized for emphasizing beauty and frivolity and not advancing other people's idea of a correct agenda. The sorority removed the video (though it had been copied and continues to float freely around the Internet) and even deactivated its Facebook page. Judge for yourself - is this video outrage worthy?
We say let Alpha Phi make any kind of video it pleases, and in a spirit of support, here's a selection of Country Club Prep's items devoted to the University of Alabama, Alpha Phi, and the great state known as the Heart Of Dixie.
Posted on August 18 2015
I thought the Alpha Phi video was very well done, showing the lovely ladies of the Alabama chapter with great spirit and pride in their sorority! Sadly, in the current era “political correctness”, the video offended some people who probably never got a bid during “rush”.
Marshall Christy
Sigma Chi Fraternity
University of Arizona, 1971
Looks innocent enough. I guess the phrase “haters gon’ hate” rings true more often than I think. The ladies were just showcasing a few day-time activities they enjoy in each other’s company. Well done! Great recruitment video. Maybe throw in a scene of a few of you in a study group, bikini optional. Because we can’t please EVERYONE :)
IMO what the heck are the girls suppose too do wear turtle necks and ankle long skirts horn rim glasses and carry stacks of books, they were showing unity by frolicking together
Whoopa di doo… It’s a recruitment video for a sorority… I’m always entertained that the people that always complain the most are also the people who always say they could care less about the Greek Life. If you really don’t care… shut up. All I know is that I’d happily go BACK to college if it meant spending time with some classy southern belles again like these ladies. I smell record pledge numbers this year…
Well said!