Diaries of The Prep Intern Week #1: How to Tie a Bow Tie

Hey Prepster!
Welcome to the first week of "Diaries of The Prep Intern." My name is Jon. I'm a rising senior from Coastal Carolina University. After displaying my incredible sartorial skills (and/or drinking skills) at Carolina Cup, I was lucky enough to land a summer internship here at CCP. I will be reporting to you weekly from the preppy capital of the world, Country Club Prep Headquarters. Fancy!
In my first week as Longshanks's newest lackey, I accepted the mission of teaching all the preppy guys on the interwebs how to tie a bow tie correctly (and, of course, any enterprising young ladies who don't want to be stuck on a formal bus with a slovenly date).
Every true prepster knows that nothing says rookie like wearing a cheap clip-on bow tie (or not wearing any sort of neckwear for that matter). This is your opportunity to throw all those bow ties hanging in your closet from third grade in the trash and upgrade. In this video, I use the Royal Blue Gingham bow tie by High Cotton to shape the perfect bow. You can shop the best in preppy bow ties here!
Practice makes perfect. Try it on your leg until you get the hang of it.
Until next week, Prep on!
Hey Beth!
The best way to make a reversible bow tie show one pattern as the knot and the other patter as the bow wings is as follows.
1.) Tie the perfect bow (see above video).
2.) Hold and turn right side of the bow. Making the back layer into front. This will change the color or pattern of that particular side.
4.) Admire your work!
How do you tie a bow tie that has a different pattern on one side so that the different pattern shows up in the knot part? and the sides are different?
i tried your suggestion of using my leg but realized i always skip leg day so my leg is too small. what should i do??
Jon you are my hero. Now I can frat harder now that i know how to tie a bow tie like you!!!!